I didn't want everyone sitting around, bored out of their minds, while I droned on about some slide show I was presenting, so I made a game that got everyone involved.
This last module was Sports Injury and we were supposed to show something that had Who, What, When, Where and how we fixed the situation.
So I had ten characters:
Jedi, Superman, Queen of England, King Kong, etc.
Ten places:
Volcano, Laundromat, Starbucks, Space station, etc.
Ten times:
Dinosaur era, Bible times, 20s, Present, etc.
Ten injuries:
Detached retina, Bloody nose, Severed arm, Burn, etc.
And ten sports:
Fencing, Ping Pong, Tug of War, Skiing, etc.
30 seconds each to figure out who, what, where, when, and 1 minute to figure out how to fix it. Every right answer got a ticket. Whoever got the most tickets in the end won the prize. The prize being some homemade cookies.
One of the scenarios ended up being Superman, in the future, at the laundromat, with a bloody nose from playing tennis.
I acted out most of it, calling in volunteers to help me when needed and drawing the rest. One of the girls is really good at drawing, should have had her help more with that. It was fast paced and everyone seemed to have fun. The teacher thought it was awesome.
Tomorrow, we are supposed to go into school, dressed up as rock stars. I don't have anything rock and roll themed in the least. I don't even have ripped jeans. What a dilemma.